7 тонн менеджмента
Group of Companies
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About Vernikov and Partners Company

Our Mission

The mission of Vernikov and Partners Company is the development of the national Russian management traditions and assistance to commercial companies in creation of effective business management systems based on the most advanced technologies.


Vernikov and Partners Management Company was founded in 2000 on the basis of a team of highly qualified specialists with many years of experience in wide-ranging management projects in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. The methods of implementation of consulting projects and technology of project work conduct used by the company have been developed on the basis of analysis of specific features and key requirements of Russian and CIS companies and adapted to local needs.

Personnel Policy of the Company

Personnel policy of Vernikov and Partners Company is aimed at constant and dynamic professional growth of company employees. Consultants and experts employed by the company have profound knowledge of modern management methods and change control technologies and considerable experience in large-scale project management.

High professional potential of the company is supported by a number of unique constantly developed in-house methods of integrated project implementation.

Our Principles

Emergence and development of a consulting service market in Russia were accompanied by a whole number of problems arising in the course of consultant-customer relations. First of all, it was associated with the absence of national management traditions that would ensure efficiency of company management in conditions of the market economy. Attempts to overcome this gap through the use of fragmentary knowledge and experience from foreign practice did not always allow reaching satisfactory results. On the other hand, the absence of formalized and adapted change project methods did not allow to forecast the results of work with sufficient accuracy or to plan the resources required for their achievement. It led to work delays, inefficient use of resources and, finally, conflicts between the project parties. As a result of these and many other problems the services of business consultants were discredited in the Russian market.

In order to meet the demanding requirements of our customers and comply with the modern standards of international practice of consulting services we strictly observe the following principles:

The customer pays for the results, not the work itself
Every time while planning a project we carefully study and specify together with the Customer our objectives, planned work results and result assessment criteria. In integrated projects, planning is performed at a separate stage, since without the results of this stage we cannot precisely estimate the total scope of project work and determine its cost. This approach allows the customer to clearly understand the object of their investments.
Preproject feasibility assessment is always at our expense
Usually high level of uniqueness of the tasks that we solve together with our clients does not allow evaluating the need for labor resources and the budget of projects with sufficient accuracy without a preliminary brief assessment of the purposes and subject matter of the project. In order to prevent our customers from the risk of money investment in uncertain results we have made a decision to become the only consulting company that performs all preproject feasibility assessments free of charge. Thanks to this approach we let our customers make sure of the high level of competence of our specialists not during a half-an-hour presentation, but in the course of intensive practical cooperation.
Constant development of our methodological potential is the guarantee of achievement of effective and anticipated results in our projects
While planning and conducting projects we use special formalized methods allowing to effectively allocate resources, manage workflows and achieve our goals. We adapt all our methods and associated tools to certain company and pass them to the customer while simultaneously training customer’s specialists in new technologies.
Our main advantage is our highly qualified specialists
Our main capital is knowledge and experience of our specialists. In our turn, we use very strict criteria for selection of potential employees and assessment of the quality of their work. If you work with our company we will not send a fresh college graduate to your organization to conduct their first project. Our young specialists gain their experience under mandatory and orderly monitoring of an experienced employee. In the long run, this approach provides an effective mix of energy of the young employees and experience of the professionals.
Impeccable business reputation is our main value
Business reputation is the main factor of success for any consulting company. Our development strategy and corporate culture are aimed at maintenance of our reputation at the highest level. We never undertake projects if we are not completely sure of their successful completion and we never declare the inclination to achieve unreal or risky objectives. We just work effectively.



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